New York’s Route Forward is Clear

The Investments from in faster trains and clean energy buses make it clear - congestion pricing is the best route forward for New York City.

Congestion Pricing Now!

We don’t want to miss life’s moments because we’re stuck in traffic or on a slow train. That’s why Congestion Pricing is New York’s best route forward.

Why Congestion Pricing?

Reduce Congestion

According to the Partnership for New York City, congestion costs families and businesses $20 billion in lost time, poor health, wasted fuel, and wear and tear. Congestion also gets in the way of emergency responders, people with disabilities, and bus service. Congestion pricing will manage traffic and make necessary car and truck trips quicker and easier.

Fix Our Transit System

The MTA network is a trillion dollar asset but has suffered decades of deferred maintenance. Congestion pricing will raise essential revenue to make transit service more reliable and accessible. Congestion Pricing will add needed revenue to the MTA’s Capital Improvement Plan and help them make more subway stations accessible, more buses electric, and replace signals on subway tracks.

Improve Air Quality Address Effects of Climate Change

Our region is extremely vulnerable to climate change, sea level rise, and increasingly extreme weather. Transportation is the state’s second largest source of emissions and cars stuck in traffic create more pollution as they accelerate and decelerate through congestion. Cities, like London and Singapore, that have implemented congestion pricing have seen significant environmental benefits. Congestion pricing will help mitigate our carbon emissions and fund the adaptation of our transit system to a more volatile climate. With tunnels flooding from extreme rainfall and stations stifling during heatwaves, we don’t have time to waste. We can’t afford to let convenience hold us back from making the policy choices that are essential to New York’s future.