New York’s Route Forward is Clear

For Less Traffic, Better Transit and Cleaner Air: Support Congestion Pricing

New Yorkers deserve a reliable and accessible transportation system and the ability to move freely around the city. Congestion Pricing will not only reduce traffic, but provide a multi-billion dollar investment to fix buses and trains.

What Is Congestion Pricing?

Congestion Pricing, is a program that was approved in 2019 by New York State to fix the trains and buses, reduce traffic, and help New York meet ambitious climate and environmental goals. By levying a toll on cars that enter Manhattan’s Central Business District below 60th street, one of the most congested zones in the nation - New Yorkers will get faster, more reliable public transportation and safer, less congested streets.

We can have world-class transit that is fast, reliable, and accessible. Anything less isn’t worthy of the world’s greatest city.
— Former New York City Transit President, Andy Byford